Polar Bears: Endangered Species!

Polar Bear Facts:

Scientific name: Ursus maritimus - (Latin for sea going bear)

Family: Ursidae

Height: up to 10 feet tall

Length: up to 8 feet long (males),  up to 7 feet long (females)

Weight: up to 1500 pounds (males), up to 770 pounds (females)

Carnivore - meat eater (mostly ringed seals but also

              dead caribou, fish, berries, kelp and mussels)

Land speed: up to 19 miles per hour

Water speed: up to 4 miles per hour

Litter size: 1 - 3 (2 is the norm)

Gestation: 195 - 260 days

Lifespan: up to 45 years in captivity, 30 in the wild

Habitat: arctic regions of Canada, US, Russia,     

              Denmark & Norway


Graphs created by Linda Faber 12/11 

In just four years, declining sub-populations increased to eight.          The number of  stable sub-populations was reduced to three and the number of increasing  sub-populations was reduced by half. Each change was detramental to the status of polar bear populations.  

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